/ 10
Uptime, 30 days
Response Time, 30 days
Shared IPs, today
Hosted Websites, today
WebFaction Uptime, %
ranking data
not ranking data
WebFaction Response, ms
WebFaction IPs / Sites in Rating
Shared IPs
Total WebFaction IPs / Sites
Shared IPs
Bad Shared IPs Count by Date
visit provider
Here is the list of WebFaction.com shared IPs where domains experienced downtime for the previous 7 days. The statistics is presented for each day, with the number of shared IPs and their domains' downtime data.
Date Total Shared IPs Bad Shared IPs Total IPs Downtime Affected Sites
2024-04-24 - - - -
2024-04-23 - - - -
2024-04-22 - - - -
2024-04-21 - - - -
2024-04-20 - - - -
2024-04-19 - - - -
2024-04-18 - - - -
Last 6 Months Performance Values
visit provider
Month HRANK # in TOP Uptime, % Response, ms Sites, +(-) Shared IPs, +(-)
Mar 2024 N/A - N/A N/A - -
Feb 2024 N/A - N/A N/A - -
Jan 2024 N/A - N/A N/A - -
Dec 2023 N/A - N/A N/A - -
Nov 2023 N/A - N/A N/A - -
Oct 2023 N/A - N/A N/A - -
Performance by Years
visit provider
Year HRANK # in TOP Uptime, % Response, ms Sites, +(-) Shared IPs, +(-)
2018 8.4 33 99.989 475 -1,953 -2
2019 8.3 23 99.986 459 -2,667 -2
2020 7.9 23 99.941 554 -8,093 -20
2021 N/A - N/A N/A - -

WebFaction.com Review

visit provider
WebFaction.com Thumbnail


Business Name: Paragon Internet Group Limited

Company Owner: GoDaddy

Year of foundation: 2003

Location: Hayes, UK

BBB Accreditation: No

Market Size: > 20K websites (#37 in HRank list)

Growth Status: (by websites quantity): Decreasing

Headquartered in Great Britain, WebFaction.com was a part of Paragon Internet Group Limited and run a network of data centers in different countries.

Most recently, however, they have joined forces with GoDaddy (for better or for worse).

Users note that the company incorporates advanced technical solutions to ensure quick, stable and unflagging work.

Offers and Pricing

Shared Hosting Plans
Name Domains Disk Bandwidth Min Price Billing Term
Shared Unlim 100 Gb 1000 Gb $10 1 Mo

It offers 1 shared server plus a handful of cloud servers with different parameters.

Their Shared plan is offered for $10/mo. This is a monthly price and an only subscription type.

They also offer 5 cloud plans from $20/mo to $240/mo.

Also, unlike most web hosting services, WebFaction.com does not want to use cPanel and is developing its own custom one.


Instant Technical Live Support: No

Its support options are currently limited only to the email on their website. Yet, this can be related to the fact that now WebFaction and GoDaddy go together, so, all the support new customers are likely to get is the one from the partner. We’ll see.

WebFaction Summary Analysis by HRank

WebFaction got 8.4 HRank and appeared on the 33d position in our 2018 chart.
In 2019 – 8.3 HRank (23rd position).

As a matter of fact, they had an average uptime in the range of 99.99% – 100%, which was better than good. With only one case of 99.443%, the provider never got lower in its uptime results.

Their response time was also faster than the one of many other providers (~500ms) but altogether pretty average.

But they seem to have been gradually losing websites (and the tendency continues). Minus 8,300 domains for the 2019 year.

Well, as far as we can say, thought WebFaction was out of our top30 list in 2018 and 2019, it has all the chances to get on it in 2019.

WebFaction is on our recommendation list.

Last updated March 14, 2020
Reviewed by Siarhei Kulich
Co-founder and CTO of HRank.com - a hosting uptime monitoring website. Siarhei has more than 20 years experience in web developing and web hosting.
Connect: Website, LinkedIn
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