/ 10
Uptime, 30 days
Response Time, 30 days
759 ms
Shared IPs, today
6 0
Hosted Websites, today
2,063 0
Web Uptime, %
ranking data
not ranking data
Web Response, ms
Web IPs / Sites in Rating
Shared IPs
Total Web IPs / Sites
Shared IPs
Worst Shared IPs by Uptime
visit provider
Web.com domains from these shared IPs (5 random domains are being checked every 5 min from 1 IP) showed the worst uptime results for the period of the last 30 days.
Shared IP Uptime, % Response, ms Hosted Sites Downtime 99.907 590 163 ~ 40m 99.942 895 210 ~ 25m 99.988 393 921 ~ 05m
Bad Shared IPs Count by Date
visit provider
Here is the list of Web.com shared IPs where domains experienced downtime for the previous 7 days. The statistics is presented for each day, with the number of shared IPs and their domains' downtime data.
Date Total Shared IPs Bad Shared IPs Total IPs Downtime Affected Sites
2024-04-15 6 - - -
2024-04-14 6 - - -
2024-04-13 6 - - -
2024-04-12 6 - - -
2024-04-11 6 - - -
2024-04-10 6 - - -
2024-04-09 6 1 ~ 05m 163
Last 6 Months Performance Values
visit provider
Month HRANK # in TOP Uptime, % Response, ms Sites, +(-) Shared IPs, +(-)
Mar 2024 7.9 65 99.983 750 0 0
Feb 2024 7.9 51 99.985 850 +1,397 +4
Jan 2024 8.5 36 100 885 -1 0
Dec 2023 7.8 69 99.992 1045 0 0
Nov 2023 6.2 74 99.967 1294 0 0
Oct 2023 5.6 75 99.960 1313 0 0
Performance by Years
visit provider
Year HRANK # in TOP Uptime, % Response, ms Sites, +(-) Shared IPs, +(-)
2018 3.4 183 99.880 863 -114 0
2019 3.6 197 99.819 874 +135 +1
2020 5.6 99 99.905 767 -489 -5
2021 3.6 153 99.823 989 +2,487 +3
2022 4.3 148 99.395 870 -1,495 -1
2023 5.3 94 99.863 878 -2,256 -7
2024 8.1 40 99.989 828 +1,396 +4

Web.com Review

visit provider
Web.com Thumbnail


Business Name: Web.com

Company Owner: Web.com Group

Year of foundation: 1999

Location: Jacksonville, Florida, USA

BBB Accreditation: Yes

Market Size: > 2K websites (#93 in HRank list)

Growth Status: (by websites quantity): Decreasing

Web.com is a domain name registration and web development service that dates back to 1999.

Currently headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, it is a part of Web.com Group (Website Pros Inc. earlier).

Web.com Group also includes the following brands: Network Solutions, Register.com, 1ShoppingCart, Name Secure, Name Bargain, and SnapNames.

They have also had A+ BBB accreditation since 2005.

With such a trust-inspiring domain, the company was doomed to become a leading industry player with one of the most comprehensive sets of services. However, it isn’t the case.

Hosting review websites are teeming with messages in which their customers claim Web.com should be avoided due to poor customer service, utterly poor website creation services, billing issues, and mail glitches.

Since such reviews outnumber the positive ones, there is a reason to consider finding some other provider. Note that most angry users blame the company for poor web development services, not hosting in particular, so the question of whether they are a reliable hosting provider remains open.

Offers and Pricing

Shared Hosting Plans
Name Domains Disk Bandwidth Min Price Billing Term
Essential 1 300 Gb Unlim $12.95 12 Mo
Professional 1 500 Gb Unlim $18.95 12 Mo
Premium 1 Unlim Unlim $36.95 12 Mo

There are 3 shared plans currently on offer: Essential, Professional and Premium. They can be purchased annually or biannually for $12.95/mo, $18.95/mo and $36.95/mo respectively.

Promo prices are available for new customers for the first billing period ($6.95/mo, $7.95/mo and $9.95/mo). Judging by the regular price, however, this hosting is not the cheapest bargain.

Their website, which is alluringly clean and well-structured, says they offer a wide range of other services, including

  • Domains,
  • Website design and development,
  • SEO,
  • a DIY site builder,
  • SSL,
  • SMM,
  • and solutions for business.

Every element of it seems to reveal that their primary target audience is business owners, but other users are welcome too.


Instant Technical Live Support: Yes

web.com support chat

The company offers traditional support options (plus 24/7 phone support), emails and etc.

The latter works perfectly, we’ve checked.

Web.com Summary Analysis by HRank

As far as we can say, Web.com proved the point of unsatisfied customers, whose reviews we’ve read online. Our monitoring carts revealed not a very good provider’s performance picture in 2018. Thus, it got 3.4 HRank and appeared #183.
In 2019 – 3.6 HRank with 197th position.

Its uptime history was marked by numerous downtime cases in 2018-2019, and even though none of them were lower than 96-98%, there were too many.

The company’s response time mostly stayed in the range of 700ms – 1000ms.

The provider has the same number of domains in period 2018-2019.

Last updated April 3, 2020
Reviewed by Siarhei Kulich
Co-founder and CTO of HRank.com - a hosting uptime monitoring website. Siarhei has more than 20 years experience in web developing and web hosting.
Connect: Website, LinkedIn
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