/ 10
Uptime, 30 days
Response Time, 30 days
640 ms
Shared IPs, today
4 0
Hosted Websites, today
821 0
EasyCGI Uptime, %
ranking data
not ranking data
EasyCGI Response, ms
EasyCGI IPs / Sites in Rating
Shared IPs
Total EasyCGI IPs / Sites
Shared IPs
Bad Shared IPs Count by Date
visit provider
Here is the list of EasyCGI.com shared IPs where domains experienced downtime for the previous 7 days. The statistics is presented for each day, with the number of shared IPs and their domains' downtime data.
Date Total Shared IPs Bad Shared IPs Total IPs Downtime Affected Sites
2024-04-18 4 - - -
2024-04-17 4 - - -
2024-04-16 4 - - -
2024-04-15 4 - - -
2024-04-14 4 - - -
2024-04-13 4 - - -
2024-04-12 4 - - -
Last 6 Months Performance Values
visit provider
Month HRANK # in TOP Uptime, % Response, ms Sites, +(-) Shared IPs, +(-)
Mar 2024 9.7 6 100 634 +190 +1
Feb 2024 9.7 7 100 664 +657 +3
Jan 2024 8.8 26 99.989 670 0 0
Dec 2023 8.8 30 99.989 634 0 0
Nov 2023 9.2 21 100 755 0 0
Oct 2023 4.0 101 98.208 787 0 0
Performance by Years
visit provider
Year HRANK # in TOP Uptime, % Response, ms Sites, +(-) Shared IPs, +(-)
2018 8.6 20 99.987 965 -238 -1
2019 4.5 173 99.736 824 -11 +1
2020 8.1 18 99.951 768 -479 -5
2021 7.5 41 99.956 1004 -129 0
2022 8.6 16 99.990 1119 -71 0
2023 8.0 34 99.790 981 -1,222 -6
2024 9.4 8 99.996 656 +657 +3

EasyCGI.com Review

visit provider
EasyCGI.com Thumbnail


Business Name: EasyCGI.com

Year of foundation: 1996

Company Owner: the Endurance International Group

Location: Pearl River, New York, USA

BBB Accreditation: No

Market Size: > 1.9K websites (#106 in HRank list)

Growth Status: (by websites quantity): Decreasing

EasyCGI.com is an affordable Windows web hosting service provider, focusing on mid-size businesses, propagating the concept of ease in every action using the solution.

The company has two data centers in the Boston, MA area.

Offers and Pricing

Shared Hosting Plans
Name Domains Disk Bandwidth Min Price Billing Term
Advanced X Unlim 350 Gb 3.5 Gb $7.96 12 Mo
Advanced X2 Unlim 500 Gb 5 Gb $15.99 12 Mo
Advanced X4 Unlim 750 Gb 7.5 Gb $21.56 12 Mo

The company currently offers 3 shared plans. They can be purchased on a monthly and a 12-month basis. The cheapest offers can be seen in the table above, and monthly offers are more expensive: $13.95/mo, $19.95/mo, and $26.95/mo, respectively.

Their entry-level prices are higher than the average, nonetheless worth a good overall experience and perfect uptime guarantee.

30-day money back guarantee is also a plus.

Well, to cap it all, it is a good choice for those who prefer Windows hosting, all the others will have to opt for Linux VPS version.

According to the reviews, for many years, the company has been promoting efficiency and security, providing excellence, ranking among top ten web hosting providers, but currently, it is experiencing its roller-coaster down ride.


Instant Technical Live Support: Yes

EasyCGI.com support chat

EasyCGI customer support assistance is great: you may reach the team via phone, chat, email, send a ticket, find information in the knowledge base sections, or be assisted with optional premium support. Tech support is available instantly.

EasyCGI Summary Analysis by HRank

EasyCGI.com got 8.6 HRank in 2018. Its position in our chart – #20, but the 2019 year was really bad: 4.5 HRank with 173rd position.

The uptime of the provider was good in 2018. It mostly stayed above 99% line with very rare cases of downtime.
The 2019 year had a lot of bad cases, even 93% uptime.

However, its response time results could be much better – 900ms on average.

The provider lost a lot of websites as well: the chart reveals a decreasing tendency that can be easily seen.

Last updated April 8, 2020
Reviewed by Siarhei Kulich
Co-founder and CTO of HRank.com - a hosting uptime monitoring website. Siarhei has more than 20 years experience in web developing and web hosting.
Connect: Website, LinkedIn
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