/ 10
Uptime, 30 days
Response Time, 30 days
802 ms
Shared IPs, today
1,451 -1
Hosted Websites, today
1,274,287 -696
Bluehost Uptime, %
ranking data
not ranking data
Bluehost Response, ms
Bluehost IPs / Sites in Rating
Shared IPs
Total Bluehost IPs / Sites
Shared IPs
Worst Shared IPs by Uptime
visit provider
Bluehost.com domains from these shared IPs (5 random domains are being checked every 5 min from 1 IP) showed the worst uptime results for the period of the last 30 days.
Shared IP Uptime, % Response, ms Hosted Sites Downtime 93.884 617 544 ~ 41h 00m 97.336 480 745 ~ 18h 30m 98.781 577 705 ~ 08h 10m 98.880 853 567 ~ 07h 30m 99.268 550 940 ~ 05h 05m
Bad Shared IPs Count by Date
visit provider
Here is the list of Bluehost.com shared IPs where domains experienced downtime for the previous 7 days. The statistics is presented for each day, with the number of shared IPs and their domains' downtime data.
Date Total Shared IPs Bad Shared IPs Total IPs Downtime Affected Sites
2024-04-26 1451 103 ~ 17h 40m 95618
2024-04-25 1451 44 ~ 13h 15m 36082
2024-04-24 1451 53 ~ 12h 45m 44534
2024-04-23 1451 61 ~ 14h 30m 53472
2024-04-22 1259 41 ~ 10h 40m 34506
2024-04-21 - - - -
2024-04-20 1451 47 ~ 13h 05m 41398
Last 6 Months Performance Values
visit provider
Month HRANK # in TOP Uptime, % Response, ms Sites, +(-) Shared IPs, +(-)
Mar 2024 9.0 25 99.983 777 -76 0
Feb 2024 6.8 68 99.945 859 +669,907 +112
Jan 2024 8.8 27 99.983 872 -119 0
Dec 2023 8.0 63 99.965 701 -101 0
Nov 2023 7.6 64 99.953 653 -76 0
Oct 2023 7.3 51 99.948 610 -75 0
Performance by Years
visit provider
Year HRANK # in TOP Uptime, % Response, ms Sites, +(-) Shared IPs, +(-)
2018 8.1 44 99.975 1064 +16,741 +115
2019 7.3 58 99.957 1114 +172,293 +10
2020 6.5 72 99.897 1571 +12,495 -986
2021 7.1 55 99.975 1745 +56,390 -13
2022 5.1 128 99.934 1859 -1,004 +15
2023 8.1 30 99.967 782 -894,574 -184
2024 8.2 39 99.970 836 +669,691 +112

Bluehost.com Review

visit provider
Bluehost.com Thumbnail


Business Name: Bluehost Inc.

Year of foundation: 2003

Location: Orem, Utah, United States

BBB Accreditation: Yes

Market Size: > 1.3 million websites (#2 HRank list)

Growth Status: (by websites quantity): Increasing

Bluehost.com is a web service company from Orem, Utah, that dates back to 2003. Many people regard it as one of the most trustworthy providers.

Founded in 2003, BlueHost is the brainchild of Matt Heaton and Danny Ashworth. However, 2003 is the year when it was officially rolled out, whereas the idea of setting up a shared hosting company first came to Heaton’s mind in 1996. He did not proceed to implement it straight away, though. It had two predecessors, namely 0catch.com and 50megs.com, but these projects implied free hosting, which prevented the team from expanding the range of services, and BlueHost became the primary focus of his business endeavors.

In 2007, the company was listed among the fastest growing companies in the world. At that time, the number of domains hosted by them made up 700,000. In 2010, BlueHost became part of the EIG brand family, but it continues to operate under its own name. Shortly after the acquisition, Heaton stepped down as its CEO to work on the platform’s design and systems. BlueHost has several sister companies. With one of them, HostMonster, it shares a large 50,000 sq ft facility in Provo, Utah.

In 2009, the CPU throttling feature was introduced: it enables the hosting provider to prevent customers from using too many server resources.

Over the years, there have been several controversies surrounding BlueHost, such as when they closed a religious website blaming sexual minorities for the 2011 Christchurch earthquake in New Zealand, or when they were accused of censoring websites run by customers from the so-called rogue states as defined by the US government. Today, however, it is one of the major industry players with an audience of over 1,270,000 sites, and together with its sister companies, it hosts over 2 mln domains.

Since 2010, they have become part of the Endurance International Group.

Offers and Pricing

Shared Hosting Plans
Name Domains Disk Bandwidth Min Price Billing Term
Basic 1 50 Gb Unlim $7.99 36 Mo
Plus Unlim Unlim Unlim $10.99 36 Mo
Choice Unlim Unlim Unlim $14.99 36 Mo
Pro Unlim Unlim Unlim $23.99 36 Mo

The provider has 4 shared hosting plans currently on offer.

All of them can be purchased either for 1 year, or 2, or 3 years. No monthly payment options are available.

All plans have promo price offers for new customers.

The cheapest offer is $7.99/mo for 3 years of hosting.

It offers a number of options, including

  • cloud / shared / WooCommerce hosting,
  • also WordPress hosting,
  • dedicated servers, VPS and domains.

They also offer nicely 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee, which is always a good thing to know.

The bad news is that migration is not free and cheap offers are available for long-term plans only (36 months).


Instant Technical Live Support: Yes

Bluehost.com support chat

According to some reviews, users emphasize cases of downtime, low startup prices, reliable customer support, handy user interface, and high security.

What we can resume is that they have got a 24/7 live chat and one can select what kind of consultation with their web experts is necessary right from the start (i.e. no need to wait to be connected to General Sales Questions if you are looking for the Web Security specialist’s support.

They also offer tech support via live chat.

BlueHost Summary Analysis by HRank

All things considered, we would recommend BlueHost for a try, it’s performance was not altogether bad – the 44th position on our 2018 list and 8.1 HRank rating, 58th place in 2019 with 7.3 HRank rating; however, it is hard to say whether all this hype and promotion is really justified.

Our monitoring results with regard to Uptime show that BlueHost was not exactly stable during the monitoring period. Starting from June 2018 to December 2019 there wasn’t 100% uptime; it mostly was in the 99.9% range, however, the worst value was 96.645% on 23 February 2019.

Response time from the domains on Shared IPs can’t be called slow, but we saw better, to be honest (1,000ms – 1,300ms).

The company decreased the number of Shared IPs from June to December 2019, and the number of websites hosted there (which is actually quite large) also increased.

BlueHost is not on our recommendation list.

Last updated February 21, 2020
Reviewed by Siarhei Kulich
Co-founder and CTO of HRank.com - a hosting uptime monitoring website. Siarhei has more than 20 years experience in web developing and web hosting.
Connect: Website, LinkedIn
Share Your Experience

Amit Garg April 29, 2020 at 10:05 am


I have been using the Bluehost for the last six months and for me Bluehost is good enough for beginners.
